Novel additives for long-term heat stabilization of glass fiber filled Polypropylene compounds

OKA-Tec, Bönen in Germany presents its newest developments and results of long-term heat stabilization for glass-fiber reinforced Polypropylene compounds.
The research activities of OKA-Tec had been awarded again by the German Foundation Association with the Award “Innovative by Research 2020/2021”.

The novel long- term heat stabilizers made in Germany set new standards in thermal resistance of Polypropylene compounds at temperature level of 150°C.  The mechanical properties after the aging process of 1000 hours are significant better in comparison to commonly used stabilizer systems.
And furthermore the new kind of stabilizers assist efficiently to fulfill current requirements regarding VOC emissions  of the automotive industry in Europe and Asia.

The relevant test results which had been made by an independent German institute confirm that OKABEST™ PAT 218 outperforms relevant limits in glass fiber reinforced Polypropylene compounds.
The newest development, OKABEST™ PAT 100, shows optimized long-term heat stabilization in accordance with the VW group standard 44045.
Both grades of the OKABEST™ PAT product line show emission values clearly below the VW standard 50180, and even lower than the corresponding non-stabilized PP compound.

 OKABEST™ PAT series

The improved  physical properties, reasonable odor characteristics, good surface quality after thermal aging and significantly reduced VOC emissions (see graphic) show considerably that OKABEST™ PAT grades provide multifunctional and currently requested solutions.
These special heat stabilizers are particularly applicable for compounders, masterbatch and polymer producers as innovative solution for demanding requirements of the automotive industry.

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